There was an explosion in the lab. Lily and Gallagher were doing who knows what, and the next thing I knew, there was smoke, fire and one broken device.
I haven't seen her since. Nor him. Maybe they ran off together. Wouldn't be the first time the the Doctor has taken Lily for an adventure. Timin' couldn't be worse.
I paid a visit to one Mercedes Celestalis' office, to discuss a business matter with her. She was not in. There was, however, a note addressed to Lily, and some familiar looking containers. I took them, figuring I could give them to Lily back at Hales if they checked out safe enough.
They didn't. The twins, named Shiny and Specialness, looked like Lily. Likely they could have been created from eggs taken from her during the short time she had some organic functioning. Wouldn't be past Mindo to have extracted them "for the future". I'd ask him but he's still unconscious from the explosion. That presents another set of problems, as I need him to unwire these guns from my forearms. I didn't need them after all, but better prepared than not.
I'm weak from the process, though, and that's not good. Not good at all. I've had to take a lot more rests. It's good I've relocated in Destiny. It's a good place to hide. I can sit on my porch and look out, and its not easy to see me from just about anywhere.
The red egg in the jar, well it was labelled a host, and the most likely donor there, again, is likely to be someone Lily knows, if not Lily herself. The woman, Mercedes, challenged her to guess who it is. That ain't gonna happen cause I've sent the specimen off, to keep it safe. Last thing Lily needs is gettin' mixed up with that lot of folk. Anyway, I think running it thru a scanner is a better idea. If there's code in there I recognise, then its pretty sure its from the cub. That's not as serious as it sounds, as that material will self-destruct. But if it's not. ...if its someone real...a real, whole, complete chunk of material - and its someone Lily knows - who knows what she would want to do with it.
I told Miya about torching the specimen in her lab. I shouldn't have done it. I don't know if she believed me about why I did it, and how it happened, all so fast, but I hope she did. It's true. I respect Miya. She's a good scientist and could be a good friend, if'n I allowed myself to have friends. As it is, I keep her, and everyone just about, on the outside, just a bit. Safer. For them.
The new offices are coming along nicely. Miss Emma is, as always, doing a wonderful job of keep track of this and that - and Toby is learning to work the desk Lily did a nice job setting up the place. She even put in a one way mirror for me. Course, she forgot to put my name on some of the alarms so I can't really get a good read on the place remotely, but as I'm stayin right upstairs, how remote do I need?
Saw Cody tonight. He's not seen Lily either. But we both can see a huge Firefly class ship shes towed back to the moon It's just sittin there. She ain't painted the name on it, but I heard she's calling it Aldea II.
Kind of like me. Sitting. Watching'. Waiting.
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