Monday, June 21, 2010

According to Plan

A number of visitors to my office leads me to believe that someone may know more than they are saying about the little item that is missing from Lily's house. I think its time for me to pay a visit. What is it they say about greeks bearing gifts....

On another more cheerful note, brother dears will is being read today. The company attorneys are such weasels, delaying things until they get their pound of flesh from him. I think some people will be in for a surprise, but then maybe he changed things since our agreement. Who knows.

The riots and looting in the town seem to have calmed some, but there are Alliance troops positively every where. You'd think the feeling of dread that comes every time I see that familiar shade of purple would fade, it being almost three years now, and Major Pepper having cancelled the "one day" I owed them. You'd think. But it's not fading. It has become, if anything, stronger, and I can taste the bile rising up in my throat when I am forced, because of some stupid "agreement" to talk to them.

And then there is Anna.

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