Monday, April 28, 2008

tyen shiao duh

Athens? He thinks I didn't know it but I seen it on the console. He's takin' us to Athens. Worse, he's takin' us on to Whitefall. Why does he always run back to that forsaken place. It ain't even civilization in the strictest sense of the word.

Ain't no place I'd rather not be except maybe ...well, some places ain't worth namin. Just sayin their name is bad.

Next thing he'll be tellin' me we're headin for Haven.

There ain't nothin' in or on any of these places he's taken us so far. We're just going breakneck speed from noplace to noplace, doin' nothin. Somehow this job is not so much exciting as boring. I don't see no big payoff, and I sure don't see no romance. I told him tonite I want to know the 'plan'. He just looked at me and sort of laughed.

'You'll find out the plan soon enough, when you need to know it', is all he said. I'm sleepin' with my guns cocked tonite. Something I don't like about the way things are soundin. I got a bad feelin' about this. Maybe Amyla and Immi were right, this was not a good idea.

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