Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ten days

A lot can happen in ten days.

Hale's Moon has taken a number of hits and Imrhien got captured but she is ok. Well, she is shot up and has some broked bones but she is ok.

Amy got beat up in one of the attacks. She's ok and the baby is ok.

Mister Manny left Blackburne cause he didn't like Imrhien marrying Aeon. Aeon is a fine man and I think a good match for Imrhen. My only thinkin there is about someone..the Lieutenant...and I know that she is..well...I just ain't got nothin' else to say. What will be will be. I will stand by Miss Imrhien come hell or highwater. Or both. Better both actually, maybe the water could quench the fire....

Miss Lily came into the shelter and slept next to me, no hissing involved. Probably because I was asleep. I saw her today too. She's now got fur on her chest. As much as I hate cats, I must admit she's kind of cute. Wild, ok maybe feral ...nothing like Kari. But then Kari is full grown lioness and Lily is..well, I ain't sure what she is. Some kind of not a cat cub I guess. Human in a way. Kind of reminds me of a rabbit I had when I was a child.

Mister Cobb Compton stopped by to visit twice. He's a nice man, real respectful. His pants could use some mending though. He's good in a fight.

Mister Lance stopped by, and met some new man who showed up - name of Nidor. Strange one, Mr. Nidor. Says he has some document that if I read it I will agree to help him. I don't know about that. But I'm interested in what its about. Should have read it when I found it soaking in his wet coat.

Miss Abigail stopped by but I was asleep. I seem to sleep a lot lately.

Oh, and we had a slumber party , me and Imrhien and Ash and Cobb (sort of). Cobb left before we got down to the girl talk.

Mister Neutrino ain't been saying much but he seems a might protective of me in a way that ain't all that familiar. I'm not sure what he wants. I like to tease him though and we have more fun than when he was paid to watch me. Well I think he still is, but he is keeping more of a distance and less like an old mother hen.

Oh, and I got a letter from ...I can't hardly say Along with a document that told all about where I came from and why I see things the way I do sometimes. Well, it didn't say why but you don't have to be a reader to read between the lines. "Experimental". They *are* keeping her in Whitefall under that mountain. I was right. And this time I don't have to fight to get in there.

I've been summoned by the Zhangsun clan to a meeting - the only way I can actually talk to her in person they say - and they're sending an envoy for me. Will it be one, or twenty, or one of their special operatives I don't know. Will the send in the men two by two to scout first? I don't know. But I know I have to go.

How do I know? They sent _the_ dress. Its time for me to take my place as the head of the family and that means assuming certain responsibilities for the Of course I could decline but then I'd lose the protection I've had. I wouldn't be 'immune' to questioning by Alliance. I would be just another Browncoat.

That don't sound so bad to me.

But I won't know until I am actually there and hear what she and they have to say what I will do. Being the top bean of Blue Sun could have its benefits. But some people think I wouldn't actually be able to make a difference. I'd be just a figurehead. Just a Zhangsun at the helm to keep up with tradition.

Some say it'd be dangerous for me cause if I was to get dead or anything, thats the end of my family interest, and the others take over. And then, war. Others say I could make a difference and stop some of the bad practices, and do more to promote the good ones like health care and food and clothing.

What do I say? I say I need to wait for their wave and be ready to go. There ain't gonna be any goodbyes this time. With any luck they'll come for me in the darkness and I'll not be even seen dressed up like the heir to Zhangsun interest in ...I can barely bring myself to say it....Blue Sun Enterprises.

Yes a lot can happen in ten days.

1 comment:

Steve Benton said...

The Cortex Alerts Search Bot has found erroneous information in your posting:

"Mister Manny left Blackburne cause he didn't like Imrhien marrying Aeon. "

Please refer to Cortex Alerts for correct information.