Tuesday, August 4, 2009

When it rains...

The stage is set. All the players are in place. The only question is, will good win over evil?
I hope so.

I don't know them well but I have come to see goodness in the citizens of Hale's. Oh, they are an interesting lot to be sure. But good people. Things are happening fast. Faster than I thought they would. A young girl from Hales, name of Jai, told me AuroraBlue had said "xyz". Several times. She said it. I can't believe she said it. I never thought she would say it.

Mindo escaped as I hoped he would. And, he ran for the mines, as I knew he would. And he disappeared - something that would worry me if I had not injected him with a tracking device prior to bringing him in.

Seana knows. She knows. She took Lily on as her own daughter. She has the legal right to make the decision. But the moral right? That's less clear.

I know this. I won't let Mindo make the decision. I won't. I'll kill him first.

Killing. All this killing. Lily wants to end AuroraBlue. It wants to end her, and Mindo. Mindo, he wants to be God. And me? I just want the noises in my head to stop.

Lily ....You have grown into such a beautiful young woman. You really have. You.. Really...Have.

Back to business. Mindo has the key. He *will* give it to me. And we'll take it from there.

Where is wisdom?

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