Friday, September 4, 2009

Speaking of Mindo...

...the Magnificient. A Legend in his own mind. That's not fair, actually. His mind is...complicated. I think a lot of the time he isn't even aware of who he is, or where he is. He appears to be almost driven, in some out of control desire to fix someone or something. It has always been this way.

Word has it he's been spotted on the Drift, hiding out in the hills. He's not been causing any trouble, so I've just put him out of my mind, until now.

But now, I need to bring him in. Lily has been disappearing a lot. I don't know if she's spending time with Mindo, or if she's just off on a hunt, or what. I just know she is not around very much at all. And, last night, Seana mentioned that when she *is* around, she seems to be digging, almost obsessively.

That is not good. That is not good at all.

Add to this mix of events my trip to Caliban. Krenshar has been "experimenting" with various organics, and finding them "messy". I asked him to show me his lab, and he did. It was more like a slaughterhouse. Caliban is a dangerous place. I went unarmed and unafraid. Fear has no place in my mind, not now. The replicant seems to be looking for something to 'fix' Lily and the cub.

Seems we have the same goal. Isn't that interesting.

Let's hope I don't have to resort to the same methods.

I did make Krenshar a little promise. Something that I think he might like to get ahold of. Someone actually. I don't know how I feel about that. Mostly I feel nothing.

But its time. Now I just have to find him.

Where are you hiding, Little Boy?

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