Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Am I his keeper?

I have done all that I can do to help Mindo. He has gone to far this time.

He has raided my apartment, and stolen clothing. CLOTHING. Shampoo. Perfume. Makeup. I know it was him because the security feed showed him coming, and going. And when he left he had pinned three of my skirts around him, in some grotesque parody of me.

He has truly gone too far.

I know enough to get this sorted out, with Ardra and Lily. I do not need him. In fact, I am convinced he is truly dangerous. Not just deluded and crazy but dangerous. I need to talk to Seana about it. He needs to be sent away. Locked up. Permanently. He convinces them he is 'well' every time; they release him, and the next antic is worse than the one that landed him in trouble in the first place.

No mattter what I do how much I try to help him, he hates me. And if he knew what I'd done to Lily, and to Krenshar, he'd hate me more. I let him think he controls so many things, including me.

Oh. He's at the door now. He's just landed outside my place, and he's motioning to me up here to come and "look what I have". The man has dyed his hair red.

I best go see what this is about. If I don't come back, well, assume the worst. I get a powerful sense of confusion from that man, but I can't not go down there. I can see Lily just sittin' there, and him, all gussied up .....in some bizarre approximation of what he must think is me. What's he up to. Surely he doesn't expect people to think he's me.

I've let him believe he was in control of so many things. Maybe thats part of the problem. It stops now. Time to confront the truth. If only he wasn't wearing my skirts.

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