Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Last night 24 of us were put into hospital. Reavers. Again. Cap'n Nack went down into the sewers after 'em, and came back pretty bunged up. I had some medical supplies, and was able to supply some blood to replace all that he'd lost. Choglosh was able to administer some first aid, and patch him up. It was scary. I don't know what we'd do without the Captain.

My weapons are due for replacement. That's all I can say about that. They are useless. I am not bad at killin' aliens and badguys, but with the uzis, and the mouselook, and the lag, I end up dead without knowing it. Can't escape if you don't see it comin' and I'm guessing the slow animation settings on the AV aren't helping, so some changes re in order. Well, I guess I said a bit, didnt I.

Amyla seems awfully hungry all the time. My guess is there's...well, never mind my guess.

Anyway, Reavers were trying to get to Amy.

We need a plan.

My house was hit by a meteor and was destroyed, so its being rebuilt. The problem is, with it gone, you can see my ship, and thats not good considering it was 'borrowed' from the Alliance. Must get to building. Must also get to getting some medical supplies together. I have a feeling we're going to need them.

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