Monday, March 24, 2008

Went out to the black...

Greetings from ....where am I now? Its been over five years since I ran off from my, Alliance trainers, and for a few months now I've been cleaning up the parents place on the great planet of Persephone. More precisely, the land we own that is always in danger of being annexed to the Alliance Capital of the Universe, Downing.

I didn't expect to find the house in such disarray. I know it has been many years since it was inhabited, but still....

At least I have a new bed, and the fireplace still works. For some reason, its always cold in this house. Must be because of the basement generators. I must get down there - I am shy to admit that in all these months, I still haven't taken a look down there. Its just always dark, and I've been so busy just trying to get this upstairs inhabitable.

I met some new folks at Naismith's birthday party. She's one of the first people I met when I was exploring Washtown. I don't know why I didn't stay there - I guess the family home just sort of called to me. But anyway, I had a real good time at her party, and then went on back to Washtown to see what was going on there. Turns out, there was a sort of after-gathering, where I saw some of the same people from the party. The highlight of the evening I must say was when I went for a space cruise on what has to be the coolest ship I've ever seen - and that includes even the best of the Alliance fleets. Oh, and I did some target shooting at cutouts from an old Earth video game called Halo.

That reminds me, speaking of target shooting - some of the weapons I picked up on my travels seem to be majorly malfunctioning, in the auto-eject off mode. No matter how many times I turn off A/E on both uzis, for example, they still eject (randomly, so it seems). I'm lookin' for some new guns. And, the toxian mace I was playing around with seems powerless against zombies although it works very well on Commanders and other humans. Also seems to work somewhat on Reavers. Speaking of Reavers, everyone wants to know why I kissed on of 'em. All I can say is that he/she needed it.

I did something I thought I'd never do - I went to a Blue Sun U-Day celebration. It was worth it - I saw my former Commander drunk (as usual), but this time he was a bit of in a talkin' mood. That was interesting, but I don't know how much I believe. I can't believe he's off on some kind of self-imposed exile - but for some reason, the Alliance tolerates his insolence. Ironic, as he would never tolerate it from any of his charges. Something seems different about him, and I can't quite tell what it is. Its like there's a wall built around some things in his head, and I can't see thru it. I can't remember when I first started being able to hear him think - and I still can - except for whats inside that wall. Oh well, he don't seem to mean me no harm an after what he did for me (he says he didn't do it, but I know he did), I can't think he'd be one to help bring me in for the "questioning", so I don't feel any fear around him except maybe that he's standing a lot closer to me than is right for a man of his position. Then again, we ain't on the ship anymore, and maybe he's not thinkin about me in terms of how fast I can strip down a gun.

Last night, I stopped by Firefly's over in Blackburne, and got talked into doing some dance called a Bunny Hop. I had me a nice new dress on, and was hopin' to get asked to dance, which I did. Took me a nice soak in the gin tub too. I must say, I am not so comfortable all dressed up like a companion, hobbling around like a sheep in high heeled boots, so I can't see doing that very often although it was fun.

I heard there was some word out for someone who had some knowledge of Alliance computers, and I let it be known I might have some knowledge of someone like that. We'll see what comes of that.

I'm still healing from the zombie bites I got last night. If it wasn't for the Commander, I wouldn't be alive - he got me to the pavillion just in time. He's a good bloke as they say.

So many other things have happened since I moved into the Annex. I got invited to a wedding of two of the very best-for-each-other friends, Cho and Amy - although I had a hard time sitting still (afraid Reavers might come in and carry her off). It was real beautiful, they said some special words and then Cap'n Barnes said some words, and then they was married. I think thats the most special thing I've seen flying around the 'verse.

I got the damaged ship up and running for fast runs over to Blackburne, or wherever else something or someone of interest might be, and she's running real good now. She's not fancy like the other ships (although their captains might argue they ain't fancy, but to me, anything that is firefly class is fancy) - but she's fast. Shes built for speed, not comfort. There's still a bit of damage from where I ran her into the ground, but she flies straight and true. Just like me.

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