Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hancock -> Paradiso -> Hancock

Ok. So we made the four hour trip from Hancock to Paradiso and are now on our way back to Hancock to put up the ASREV. I will be so glad to get out of here - the whole Georgian system has the Niska imprint on it. I'm hoping the Bowdens Malady ain't contagious. I know its not supposed to be, but, well, being around something like that just makes me a bit uncomfortable.

Not anything to speak of happened in Paradiso, at least that I know of. Shava hopped off the train, and almost literally right back on. I'd say he was only off about 3 minutes. I saw him make some exchange with some locals (or at least they appeared to be locals, dressed in mining gear and lookin' worse for the wear), and he was back on the train. When he said it was a turnaround, I was thinking he meant we'd get off, do whatever it is had to be done, and then catch another train back. I didn't even get off this train, but breathed a lot of that Paradiso air. Still, I'm sure I'm ok. A few breaths out of a lifetime ain't likely to make me come down with the Bowdens, and even if I did, there's always Pescaline D.

I think we're lookin' at about 2 more hours til we're back in Hancock, and can pick up the ASREV. I'm lookin' real forward to flyin' it - but I'm more lookin' forward to getting out of this whole Georgian system. Like I said, something about it just is creepy. I know Niska's been dead a long time now, but it still feels like he is _everywhere_. I'm not as sure as everyone else I've talked to seems to be that things are 'different' now. There's a sinister feel to this whole place, and one that I can recognize, but not identify. Maybe it will come to me later.

So, two hours til we get back, fifteen minutes to the ship, and as soon as its dark, off we go. My fingers are itchin' to get ahold of her controls. This is what I crewed up for. This is where the fun starts.

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