Monday, May 5, 2008

Everybody knows everybody

'ceptin me. Ever been in one of those places where everyone seems to know everyone, and you don't? That's how it was for me in the Settlement bar tonight. Place is so small it ain't even got a name. Just 'the bar'. Still they was welcomin' enough and no one paid me too much attention except for some drunk cowboys who was trying to figure out whether trying to hand-hold me was worth riskin' getting shot...

Didn't see _anyone_ who looked remotely like they could be in the cargo business, but I did overhear two fellows talking about the ships that are passing thru tomorrow and the next day, and the business their captains will bring to 'the bar'. Hear tell they all have full loads, and are only stoppin' for a rest and some recreation on their way across the verse. What recreation there is around here I have yet to see. But, if there are going to be a few Captains come thru here in the next few days, odds seem pretty good I will find a way out. I just have to be patient.

I think I can relax a little. I'm gettin' hungry, but don't want to throw my money around in here. The more it looks like I can't afford much for transport, the better it will be for me. Anyway, I'm really cravin' some more of the foodbars. That's funny to hear myself say because I thought they were pretty much the nastiest thing one could have, but I actually like them now. I'd go so far as to say I got to have one, or I won't feel satisfied. I seem to have developed a real desire for them over the past week or so since this whole thing started.

Anyway, I had a martini (in honour of Commander Nightfire, Sir!), and watched some local girls dance. Made me homesick for Firefly's, and Shaylin, IsabellaGrace, Kari....

I was going to write more about the Settlement, but I have to eat.

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