Monday, May 5, 2008

Ice Planet

What I wouldn't give for an ice planet right about now. It's so dry and hot here in the day. At night, though, its cold - way colder than I'm prepared for. I have a few things in my backpack to help make things a bit more bearable, but it's still pretty bad. On the positive side, I fell asleep after I ate last night, and didn't wake up til this afternoon. I must have been real tired, because I went out like a light.
I dreamed I was in Sihnon, and it was festival time. There were flowers everywhere, and the air smelled of sweet blossoms. My parents were presenting me to the Officers for the first time, and all I wanted to do was run through the sweet-smelling air.

So its now almost evenin' again, and I've lost a day. I'm going to head down to the Settlement tonite and do what I planned to do last night - take a look around, see who looks like a person willin' to transport some human cargo. Still no sign of any purple bellies, although I did see some movement from what looked to be a hole down a ways from here. Its rumoured there is a Blue Sun Factory under a mountain on Whitefall - wonder if what I saw could be some folks doing business with them.

Given all the grafitti 'round the crates, I wouldn't rule it out. I know just about everyone hates the Corporation, but its hard for me. I mean, being a Zhang-sun does put a bit of pressure to if not support the business operations to at least not hinder them. But it didn't get me out of having to serve my sacrificial 'duty', and it did let me see what conflict and hatred there is between the upper ranks at Blue Sun and the Alliance. Everyone thinks they are so much into the same bed, but it ain't at all like that.

I'm grateful for all the advantageous being adopted in got me, but being a round eyed girl in a Chinese family wasn't easy. Sometimes I think it was made harder for me on purpose, to make me stronger, to make me push further, and harder...guess it paid off for times like this.

Guess I better get my ragged looking self down to that little Settlement and see whats going on...

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