Friday, May 23, 2008

It just is what it is

I don't know where to begin.

Captain and I rode over on his horse to board his fast transport out of what passed for a Settlement, got halfway into the hole where he'd dropped her down, and the next thing I knew he was layin' dead on the ground next to me. Bullet to the head, single shot. Gone.

I ducked down and waited to see where it came from, and then saw them. Grey uniforms. Everywhere. I'd say about 20 Fed Squads surrounding the place, some higher ranking officials who seemed to be giving orders, and two men clearly assassins complete with the latest sniper gear and garb. Don't you hate it when that happens?

So I think, I got to get out of here, someway, somehow...And then I notice they ain't shootin me. They're just watching. Ever now and then, a few of them charge forward as if they're gonna try to take me and I'm forced to put them out of their misery. They must be miseralble, I figure, cause they're purple bellies. I know when I had to wear that unifom I was miserable. Cheap purple scratchy cloth notwithstanding, those guys were out to take me, and they had to be downed.

This went on for hours...what seemed like days....when suddenly I fall asleep again. This time, though, the sleep s because someone gassed the whole area. I wake up, and seeing a strange man next to me, I pull my knife and stab him. He drops me on my head, and I'm out again.

When I come to, I'm back in Blackburne, with Shaylin. She's asking me if I remember last night (which I don't). I rest and medic Chol comes to take a look at me. I'm in and out of for the next few days but I finally wake up.....and meet a lot of people who sayI knew them.

Back to sleep.

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