Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tonight's the Night

And its already late afternoon....slept thru the morning again. Woke up with two little furry creatures nibblin at the left-over food I fell asleep eating. Didn't have the heart to shoo 'em off, they looked so sweet, and anyway, they were good company for me on this already way too hot day. There's no shade here, at least not natural shade, so I'm thinkin' I'll go and rest up in one of the crates. There's no shortage of them, and some of them have tarps on 'em, so will provide some shade.

I have to say this has been some ordeal rather than a great 'adventure'. No more thinkin' with my heart. I need to be able to see whats going on clearly so I don't end up in a mess like this again. There's no reason for me to end up like this. In the past, I would have seen way ahead and not even started down this road. And in the future, I aim to do exactly the same.

First thing I do when I get home is find Nene and tell him I'm tired of him shadowing me around - I think we should start walking together. I can't imagine a world without him, and I want him to know. I am gonna pick up right where I left off, only this time, I'm gonna finish what I started. I'm gonna tell him in no uncertain terms that my thoughts are just for him, and that I'd like it much if he'd like to start courtin' me instead of just following me around. Job or no job, its time for that man to take a good hold of me, and do what I think he's been wantin to do, and the truth is, I'm wantin it too. It ain't never been clearer to me - I love that man.

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