Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Uh...this ain't right

Those two little furry prairie dogs or whatever they are....soon as they finished up the food, one of 'em keeled over dead and the other looks to be pretty well on the way to the same place. Something ain't right. I eat and fall asleep and can't remember things right. They eat and fall asleep and die.

I ain't going to eat any more off of these bars Shadowbroker left for me. Now that I think of it, I've been sickly and sleeping ever since I got on that ASREV, more all the time. Bad dreams. Weird dreams. Mixed up. Losing track of time. Forgetting where I am.

He said he drugged me, but I thought he meant one time. That's not what he meant. He meant he drugged me ...with these foods...and I've been being drugged even ever since he left. Tonite's
too important to be hazy. Better hungry than hazy. There's plenty time to eat once I'm home, and as I remember, I had some nice things planted. I look forward to seeing them. And tasting them. And sharing them with my friends.

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