Monday, June 9, 2008

another neko neko neko

hey yah, hey yah, neko neko neko...

It's like a song almost, and it should be the Blackburne theme this month. I ain't never seen so many Nekos and Feral Mutants on one small piece of rock as I have seen here in this past month. Even Archer's sportin' a tail and ears.

It's the ferals, the anthro-mutants, that interest me the most. They got some serious skills, but seem to not require as much food and such, or at least don't need to eat as often as the Nekos and the other humans around here. Me, I can get by a long time without food.

I saw one of the Ferals today, eatin what looked to be a human leg. Blood was squirtin everywhere like it was still fresh flesh. I wanted to ask her where she got it - maybe it was a Reaver leftover, although I don't think they have leftovers - but just in case they been in close, would be good to know. But she ran away as soon as I got close.

I can't help it, every time I see one of them, I wonder if they use a litter box. I don't mean no disrespect, but they do have cat ears and tails. Then there's Miss Lauren, she's a BIG kind of cat lookin' thing. Ain't seen her for awhile. I think she's real pretty. I am never sure if she's dressed up in a mask and fake tail, or if she's really an animal. Her mate, Maikar, sure looks like an animal, and he's a human, so I'm guessin' she is too. But I don't know. I can't imagine _her_ eatin' a leg of man, though.

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