Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Letters from "home".

They did not pick me up until some 3 a.m. But when they did, I found myself in a really nice suite specially prepared apparently to show me the comforts Blue Sun has to offer. Nothing was spared. Even the video screens had been programmed with what were my favorite films when I was growing up. There was someone 'in attendance' for me every moment until we made it to Whitefall. Unobtrusively but still in attendance.

Approaching the mountain near what passes for a Settlement - the place where Shadowbroker brought me what seems like ages go - we glide down over the desert sands to the sounds of music. They're playing "Sarah Brightman" on the player and we're gliding over the sands...the same sands where I was fed knock-out food bars and abandoned by Shadowbroker. It makes no sense to me still. He brought me where they wanted me to be. He brought me to where I wanted me to be. But at the end of it all, I ended up fightin' off all those Alliance fed squads and being 'rescued' by Neutrino. If only Shadowbroker had TOLD me what was going on. They make such simple things complicated. And now, having passed several months and what must be several other planets, I realise Shadowbroker really has gone to work for Blue Sun.

Blue Sun. That name strikes such anger and sometimes fear. Yes so they bring in trade and food and medicines. Yes, all of that is fine and good. But there are the experiments. I know better than most about those. As I learned in the recent letter, I was one of them.

Did I write about "the letter" before? I can't remember. Doesn't matter. Bottom line is my mother is being held "under the mountain". That must be why I wanted to get under that mountain. I must have known, at some level, that I would find her there. My mother. I never knew her. I grew up thinking she and my father had been killed, and that the couple who raised me - that I called Grandfather and Grandmama - that they were kind people who took me in. I had NO idea they were my real father's parents. My real Grandparents.

I knew about the 'requirement' for a Zhangsun to intern with Alliance but ...no one had told me about the extra bit where I was going to be required to take a mate. Somehow the interest of Blue Sun seems to have permeated the 'lliance. I don't know what I'd have done if Neutrino hadn't let me escape. Now I don't know what to do again. I'm walking back into the Lions Den, the only difference being this time I know there are certain conditions attached to what they want from me, and that gives me at least a little bit of leverage.

So anyway...we approached the mountain, hovered over it and then it just opened up and down we went. Down and down and down. I don't think I have ever been so far down under ground. When I thought we couldn't go no further, we went even further. Then as quickly as we started, we stopped. A funny thing happened then. No one moved to get out of the ship. A door that I didn't know existed opened up in my room and it was just....silent. Dark and silent. I waited a little while and then decided I may as well go on a sigh-seein' tour.

I didn't get very far. As soon as I stepped out of the door, netting fell all around me and I was trapped. Why in the hell did they trap me when I had come voluntarily. I didn't bother to struggle. Soon a dozen or so little suited men with blue hands showed up all excited they had trapped their prey.....They started to give me some kind of orders when one of them suddenly noticed what I was wearing...and he screamed to the others "Do Not Touch This One".

The net was immediately lifted, the floor opened up in front of me and a man stood there. I could not believe my eyes. It was my Grandfather.

How could this be. He passed away. I went to his funeral. My Grandmama mourned. But there he was, just as alive as I am right now. Then he spoke. "Hello Little Pea". His eyes filled with tears and he held his arms out to me. I ran to him. I felt safe. I knew it would all be ok. I looked up at him and started to ask..."How is this possible?"...."How are you here?"...."How could you let me just be fed to the Allia..", when he put his finger to his lips and said "Shhh." So many questions and not a lot of time. Let's get you to see her while there is still time. There is time for your questions later.".

He took me by the hand and led me into the next room. The door opened and I saw a woman standing inside a blue glass box. She was wearing a dress just like the one I had been sent. She was wearing shoes just like the ones that had come for me. Her hair was the same auburn as mine. Her eyes like mine. She looked at me. She opened her mouth to speak and I fainted.

....to be continued

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