Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ten more days

Maybe I dreamed it. I don't know. I only know I woke up and it was ten days later and there was no sign of my mother or my grandfather or the men around. Oh, I'm still here alright. That much hasn't changed. But I'm not wearing the dress now. Matter of fact, I'm stark nekkid and none too comfortable. There's a black suit, looks like man clothes, hangin' in the closet here and I guess I am going to have to put them on if I'm thinkin' about doing a little "explorin". Last thing I want to do is be caught again and be nekkid.

I just looked at myself in the mirror. I don't look so much worse for wear as I thought I would. I feel pretty good actually. Only..I'm missing "home". I've come to think of Blackburne as "home" and its hurtin me to be away from home. It ain't just Mister Neutrino. I do miss him pokin and provokin' me but it ain't just him. I do wonder what he thinked when I told him "I love you" before I ran out to get picked up by the family "servants". He must have thought I was completely mad.

But it ain't just him I miss. I miss Imrhien. I miss her more than I can even put in words. And Shaylin. I don't see her much but I seen here right before I left and I think that made me miss her all that much more. Lauralai and Lorie, Nacks girls....I didn't realize how attached I'd become to them. I'm different person than when I first came there. I like the person I became in the company of those folks. I don't mind not havin' "fine foods" and all those other things. I would just rather be..home...even the thought of that gorram cat doesn't irritate me as much as it should. I hope she's not getting cat fur all over my sheets in the shelter.

The Shelter. Oh how I worry about that. I don't know that anyone is bringing in any food or clothes for the people, or letting them know there's a place there for them to settle in and get to know folk. A safe place. Now what is it? I don't know. It's goin' on two weeks now...and food don't last that long.

What's going to happen to me here? When is this big meeting I've been called to attend? And where the hell are my clothes? I want some answers.I came all this way..not for this. I'm going explorin.....

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