Sunday, December 27, 2009

Yearly Duties

The Christmas Walk was successful. Lily did a nice job implementing my design. She added a few things here and there, but for the most part it's exactly as I pictured it. It reminds me of happier times.

Mindo's memory game seemed quite popular. I have to get it packed up and shipped back to him. I wonder if I will see him before the end of the year. In some ways I would like to see him, in other ways, I wish he would just disappear and stay gone. The last I heard he actually was infatuated with the doctor over on the Drift. I'm not surprised. She has red hair after all, and Mindo has his little fetishes.

Imrhien is still in absentia. Mindo won't tell me where he left her. I worry for her constantly, but am helpless to do anything to help her.

And, then there is Pepper. Major Pepper, of the Alliance Special Investigations Unit, to whom I must submit myself for a day. I wonder if that day will ever come, and if it will ever end.

Of course, it will never end.

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