Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fixin to Run

Take me out to the black

Tell them I ain’t comin’ back

Burn the land and boil the sea

You can’t take the sky from me

Or so I was until I fell into the waste and bunged up my ankle. Archer, good man that he is, rescued me and got me to the Medical Pavilion for emergency 'wrap', and then carried me back to the porch at Firefly's. Fortunately Amy and Chol were still there, and Chol fixed me right up. Unfortunately, this is going to delay my trip with my old friend for a week or longer. Or so I'm told.

It's the blood thinners. I had to take 'em cause we are goin' so deep into the black, and that means in about a week, my blood won't clog me up out there. Only thing is, now that I ain't supposed to go, my bloods going to be mighty thin for any of these moons. If I get even a little scratch, I would likely just bleed out and die. No stoppin it. It ain't likely any of these folks have the thickener, and I can't find any in the Annex, so best I can do is wait it out. It is said to be quite very painful, to go thru it when you are not actually in the black. I guess I'll find out. Or, I might just have to go and hope Shadowbroker takes the safe route.

Shadowbroker. Now there's a story waiting to be told. But that's for next time. For now, its time to ice the ankle and think all sorts of thoughts about all sorts of things.

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