Monday, April 28, 2008

Out of time

Saturday night I was all set to have a serious conversation with the Commander. Sober as daybreak, I'd been rehearsin' it all day. He finally asked me to dance, and we did. I told him there was something I'd been meanin' to talk to him about, and just as I was about to get into the details, my datapad went off. Since I have to turn it on and view it to make it stop, I stepped out for what I thought was just going to be a few seconds, only to get a 'wave' from Shadowbroker saying 'it is going down now. come now'.

I couldn't wait. I didn't want to have the conversation and immediately run off, so I just ran off. I asked Amyla to tell him everything if I didn't make it back and she said she off I went. Now, we're flying fast and furiously to Bellerophon. What Shava wants to do on an Alliance moon full of rich people, I don't know. He mentioned something about meeting up with Mr. Durran Haymer, but I don't think that's the real reason we're headed that way. My guess is we're headed out to Isis Canyon to rendezvous with a ship Shave left there. It's not just deserted, but its a pretty good hiding place what with all the rocks and canyons.

It's been pretty clear from the time we met up in Downing that his only interest in me was staying at my place there. I'm wasn't sure why he wanted to stay there so badly, but now its pretty obvious - the job that started in Downing didn't start there as a place to take off from. The job was actually in Downing. Right down the street from my house, as it turns out. I don't know what he took - and as far as I know, neither does he - but it came from the Governor's Office. I'm guessin' its something pretty important. Hopefully no one realised its missing.

We're about to land now, and guess what? I'm going to have an hour to spend at the seaside. My first time ever. I didn't bring a swimsuit but I hear you don't need one here. That sounds good to me.

An hour and a half from now, we take off for Isis Canyon (I was right!), to get the new, more manuverable ship. From there, its to Shion, where we pick up some money. I can't say that I'm really too happy about that. The money is from my inheritance. He didn't tell me when this all started he was going to need this money, but now, we're on the way and I just want to get this job over and get home.

I have unfinished business there.

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