Saturday, April 26, 2008

Waiting in the Shadows..

Shadowbroker said he'd be sending for me on Monday or Tuesday. Today is Saturday. I'm nervous. I'm afraid not to go on the job - I was always good at catching bad guys, and after I left the ship, I was good at bein' one. I'm not afraid of going into the black. I love it out there. There's almost no where else I'd rather be.

I'm afraid of bein out in the black with _him_. I've made up my mind last week that I'm not in love with him. I don't even like him. But he's awfully cute, and awfully persuasive. Granted, he's never even made any of those man moves on me, and probably wont, but what if he starts feelin' all romantic up there. It is a long way from home for him too.

Two outlaws, a long way from home,out in the black, facing a lot of excitement. I'm afraid. I wish my mind didn't wander like this.

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