Friday, April 25, 2008


There was a scout from a raiding party last night making short work of the Blackburne Militia. I managed to get a lone woman off the street and into the cup before she was kidnapped or killed, and I managed to kill a few zombies that were attackin' the men folk. But, I couldn' manage to kill the raider. We had a couple of encouters, real up close and personal. For some reason, I couldn't make my arm swing my blade. There was just something about this raider...I couldn't do it.

Later, the raider ran past as a zombie was bitin' on me, and blasted the zombie to bits. Now, why would a raider kill a zombie that was attackin' me? I'd think to save me for hisself or herself, but the mysterious figure just kept running. Looked over the armoured shoulder and then kept going. Later, the raider came to the cup. I said thanks for saving me from the zombie, but the color-changing raider said only "I came to tell you how it is, Mr. Newspaperman" or something like that.

As the raider was leaving, I called out 'you fight like a girl'. After a momentary pause, during which time I wondered if I was about to be killed, even though I was unarmed - the raider managed to get the door open, and left.

I spent the rest of the night talking with Chol and Amyla. Thats a whole other topic, and one that I'm hopin is settled down real soon. I love those two, and like most of the folks around town, don't want to take 'sides' when theres some domestic 'disupte' - but if saying the truth means there's a better chance they will get thru their first year of wedded bliss relatively intact, then speaking up is what has to be done.

Thing is, Amyla has been talking to her ex, using waves, every day, even since she got married, and she didn't tell Chol. Now, the ex is coming to town t see her...and Chol's upset. I don't know how he can still be so nice, actually, if my mate did that to me, I'd probably kill him. I'm glad Chol is a very patient and restrained man. I wish I was as patient and restrained.

All this and there's that baby on the way. I drift off to sleep wishin' I was havin' a baby. I don't know, I'd probably be scared to death, its so unnatural. But the idea of a does appeal to me.

Anyway, thats all thats is going on. Raiders, Domestic Disputes, and me wantin a baby.

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