Tuesday, May 27, 2008

comin' round

I didn't say anything to anyone, but I found some traces of hair on my pillow at home, and they weren't mind.

Coupled with the fact a friend from Hale's Moon mentioned someone blonde was looking for me, I have a bad feelin...

Shadowbroker is back.

He was always one to finish what he started. While at first I don't really like the idea of him coming around (he could get hurt, for instance, if he came too close to me, such as within shootin' distance), he does have some information I want.

Combined with the information Mister Nightfire will give me now that his leg is all restored, I have some hope of at least figuring out what or who was behind the last three/four weeks of confused life.

I wonder if its really him.

On another front, the shelter now has a fridge, microwave, and sleep quarters. And, best of all someone has donated food - ham sandwiches and fruits of various types. Last night, a young woman said she had no place to stay, so I showed her the space. I don't know if he availed herself of it, but if I see her again, I'll tell her there's food now. Who would ever have thought I'd be worried about food. All the stuff in the garden at home, not to mention all the stored good under the house..and I'm totally depending on the generosity of others to help me eat. Then again, others are depending on me, and I intend to do all I can to make sure no one goes hungry.

Speaking of hunger, not sure what that reminds me of Mister Nightfire. I'm finished hungerin' after some attention from him. He clearly ain't interested, despite what everyone tells me - I'm a job, ok, so I'll be a job and make it as easy as possible for him. But I ain't waitin' around forever for him to actually court me. I'd rather be alone. And, thats probably for the best because that's exactly what I have always been, and probably will always be.

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