Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hello Boys, I'm Back....

Today was a *big day* for me. I woke up this morning with shards of a blue martini glass still embedded in my right hand. It took me a moment to remember how it got there. I remembered asking Grei, the Firefly's bartender last night, how much the glasses cost. He told me, I paid him the price of ten of them just to be safe, and I crushed this glass in my bare hand.

I don't know why I did it. I only know that I felt angry, alone and like the sight of that glass was not helping.

Looking around, I realised I'd fallen asleep on a crate outside where the zombies hang out. Real smart.

So, it's almost a month since my big adventure, and my once-mixed-up memory is almost 100 percent back to normal. Ok, so I thought I was in love with Mod, but Imrhien explained that this was definitely not the case. She claims I was in love with my rescuer, but I don't remember anything like that. In fact, I remember just about everyone _but_ him.

He seems like a nice guy, as trained killers go. He has a good sense of humour, and smells _really really_ good. That is one thing..the way he smells if somehow 'familiar' to me. But other than that, nothing.

I'll think about that later.

Back to my *big day* today. So, ok, after taking a good look at my circumstance, I decided it was time to put things back in order. So, I declined an invitation to go to a towel party (at least until the jobs were done), and I committed to do these things:

1. Go back to Downing in the light of day and look for my dog Toby.
2. Look for the anonymous donor for the community shelter/sanctuary I've been starting and ensure they expect nothing from me, that I am 100 per cent free to run it the way I, and the community see fit, no strings attached.
3. See what clothes were left in the robbery of my place, and go buy some new ones.
4. See if I can track down the family heirlooms which have been stolen. In particular I am really wanting to find the family Bible and the chair. I'm really wantin' to read more in the Bible and see if there's any notes in there about my real parents. And, I'm really wantin the chair cause once I have it back, I can get someone to put me thru it, and get the rest of my memory back. Or at least there is a chance I could.
5. Dye my hair back to the colour it needs to be.This blue reminds me of that rat Shadowbroker. He made me do it but he can't stop me from puttin' it back. All my life I hated my red hair, and from this day on, I love it, because it is mine.

That is a lot to accomplish in one day - so I'm not too disappointed that I only managed to get finished with item 5, part way finished with item 3, and item 1 is accomplished. Toby is now staying with some people who are home enough to take care of him, and I can visit him whenever I want. I may even take him to Blackburne sometimes. Not all my clothes were gone, so I didn't need to buy many. My hair is good, I'm happy enough with it. No more blue.

That means I still have to track down the stolen things (Bible, chair) and find my donor. Seein' as if I don't find him/her I can't go further cause I ain't got no money left, thats a matter of first priority. Then, I'll worry about the Bible and the chair. To tell the truth, the chair makes me a bit nervous. I have used it plenty of times in my work, but usin' it on myself..well, I'm just going to have to make sure whoever is there with me is someone I really really trust, because the things they say to me while I do it are going to be stuck in my head for some time.

I did make it over to Hale's Moon, and Immi was havin' a real nice shindig, but I had to go as I got a wave that Toby had run now I'm back to lookin for him. I think I know where he is -guess I'll see if I'm right.

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